Please visit the calendar page for the complete calendar of events and detailed information.
February 8 - FWSSR Commercial Heifer Sale, Fort Worth, TX


There are many advantages to having an auction to market your products. It creates excitement for your product by providing a fast paced atmosphere, and it demands that customers make a purchasing decision. A well promoted auction will draw interest from potential customers that you may never reach without this creative approach. Once you have decided that an auction is right for you, make sure that you have the best auction possible.

We are dedicated to providing you with the most professional auction services. Whether you need an auctioneer or a complete sale management service
we will put our many years of experience in the auction business to work for you. We serve customers throughout the United States and look forward to working with you on your upcoming auction sale in any of the following areas:

• Purebred and Commercial Livestock
• Equipment
• Estates and Real Estate
• Benefit Auctions
• Sale Management
• Marketing and Merchandising
• Ring Service
• Livestock Photography and Videography



We offer a range of services to address your marketing needs. Please visit the services page to learn more.


Upcoming Events and News...

The calendar page includes complete schedule of upcoming events, online sale books and complete details about the sales we are managing or consulting on.

Meet the newest addition to Schacher Auction Services...

Pete the working mascot!



American Hereford Association website

Iron Lake Ranch website




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